bowels, candida, colon health, diet, digestion, Digestive Health, healthy food, lose weight, weight loss, yeast

Potatoes Help You Get to Your Optimal Weight? Not What You Think

Potatoes can help you get to your optimal weight?  Yes, they’re great, real food, but aren’t they super high in carbs?   Yes, white potatoes are high in carbs.  However, depending how you cook them, they can break down into sugar and get stored as fat if not utilized for energy  OR they can actually […]

health, health info, Health Myths, health tips, healthy food, insulin, lemon water, lose weight, mind, mindset, positivity, water, weight loss

Top 3 Tips to Get to Your Optimal Weight

How are you doing this week? There is so much going on this week with the rise in Covid cases and stress levels mirror this trend. The best thing we can do is keep our bodies healthy by getting back to balance. You see, excess weight is a symptom of a body out of balance. […]

brain health, emotions, inspirational, lose weight, mind, mindset, positivity, spiritual, weight loss

How Changing Your Mindset Can Change Your Life

Henry Ford said it best. “Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right.” The world’s greatest pioneers always started with their own vision and then they made it happen. If you asked anyone in the 1800s the best way to get somewhere faster, they would have answered, “get a faster horse and […]

lose weight, sleep, Uncategorized

Lose Weight By Getting More of This

Getting enough sleep you get at night has a direct relationship to weight loss struggles.  New studies show amazing connections between metabolism, sleep patterns, appetite and weight loss.  It is recommended to get 7 to 9 hours of shut-eye each night.  Yes, 9 hours may seem a bit excessive but I always strive to get at least 7. This will help you burn […]

alternative health, detox, disease, lose weight, mental health, parasites

I Have Parasites

This is my toilet and, no, you can’t look inside! I had some of the following signs of parasites that you may have also…   ·       Grinding teeth at night in my sleep ·       Food sensitivities – especially to dairy and gluten ·       Digestive issues such as constipation, diarrhea, gas, bloating ·       Unexplained skin issues […]

detox, diet, Digestive Health, disease, fat, Food, health info, health tips, lose weight, nutrition, sugar, Toxins

Eight Top Reasons You NEED to Clean Out Your Pipes and How to Detox on Your Own

Spring.  It’s the time of year of revitalization and growth.  But in order to experience this, we need to clean house.   You know how good it feels when you clean out a closet or pantry?   You throw away things that are no good and can’t use any more and de-clutter. When you’re finished, […]

disease, lose weight, sickness

Who is Shooting Up in Bathrooms?

I went to Montreal this past weekend.  What a charming city with its French flair and magical European style.  What wasn’t so magical was my first stop–the bathroom in the Montreal airport.  This was where I was greeted with a rather large used needle drop box filled to the brim.  It was a bit shocking […]